We are very good at simplifying the complex.
Simply put, we are passionate about what we do.
We are open for business. We are used to working remotely and comfortable using the various virtual conferencing tools out there e.g. Teams, Zoom, Skype, GoToMeeting, etc. For information about the COVID-19 virus, visit the official government CoVID-19 website.
View MORE from our Web design in Berkshire website.
Understand, Simplify, Build, and Measure.
We believe technology should improve performance, create value and strengthen relationships with customers, suppliers, business partners, shareholders and employees.
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T | +44 1344 426668 (Ask for Michael) |
E | info.request@creotec.com |
A | 101 Staplehurst. Bracknell Forest. Berkshire. RG12 1RP. United Kingdom |
M | 毛泽东和他的妻子儿女(组图上) - CRI:2021-12-6 · 毛泽东和他的妻子儿女(组图上),毛泽东 言论 1951年夏,毛泽东和李敏一起翻看影集 1929年3月(长女):杨月花(原名毛金花),贺子珍在红军第二次打下龙岩时所生,后寄养在老百姓家里。 |
creotec.com UK REG: 03936467 DUNS: 239470177 VAT: GB 861315244 |
At Creotec we create bespoke (tailor-made) web-based applications for UK businesses.
When a member of our web team comes up with an idea for an application, we don't just talk about it, we build it. The knowledge and experience we gain from building these web applications is transferable to your project. Some of these ideas have taken off, others have not, but we know this is the only way we can ensure that everything we advise you on will work.
UK Lottery results
UK Police Crime Map
NHS health database
ShortURL Generator
UK Road Incidents and Traffic News
Football fixtures generator
On-line birthday reminder
Small business IT support Berkshire
London taxi finder
Secure strong password generator
UK Roadworks Database
UK food hygiene rating, standards and reviews
Web-based Post-it-note
Small Business Internet
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Nearest UK MOT Centres finder
Managed email marketing service
On-line baby book and diary
Currency Converter API
Mood sharing application
Local business pages
CS Shopping cart
Bracknell TV
eBusiness Consultancy
Follow Twitter in real-time
London traffic news and camera (CCTV)
UK foreign travel advice
GPS System sends location info to server. Web application to keep log and show location
A simple lead and quote management solution
英特尔在Movidius Myriad X VPU中推出片上神经网络计算 ...:2021-8-29 · 引入该神经计算引擎之后,Myriad X架构能够为基于深度学习的神经网络推理提供1 TOPS [1]的计算性能。强化的视觉加速器:利用超过20个硬件加速器来执行光流和立体深度等任务,而不需要额 …
An asset management solution with built-in location mapping
Centralised multiple website magazine publishing solution
Manages advertising across multiple channels - TV, Radio, Web, etc
A complete business Intranet solution with many bespoke features
工信部谈VPN整治:伋业和用户正常跨境上网不受 ...-中国青年网:2021-1-30 · 针对去年工信部出台的《关于清理规范互联网网络接入服务市场的通知》,工信部总工程师张峰30日表示,《通知》关于跨境开展经营活动的相关 ...
高通五核14纳米制程加持 WiFi6小米路由器AX1800开启预售 ...:2021-5-13 · 观看4K高清网络视频的同时,也能和朋友畅快玩游戏,告别多应用并发时游戏卡顿掉帧。内置游戏加速插件 告别外服游戏卡顿超时 对于游戏玩家的使用场景,小米路由器AX1800也内置了腾讯网游加速器(6月30日前升级支持),并赠送3个月会员体验时长。
A complete affiliate solution with marketing campaign features
A financial case management solution for debt and bankruptcy service company
降电费、减资费、免房租……中央伋业让利“抗疫”助推复工复 ...:2021-3-8 · 减资费、提升网络服务 特殊时期伋业运行,信息化应用支撑很关键。运营商免费开放“云”服务,帮助伋业一手抓生产、一手抗疫情,按下复工复产“加速键”。
An eCommerce app which focuses on back-office ordering and inventory management
Customer management solution for a property sales agent
A multiple sub domains theme based microsite publisher
An ebook publishing, reader and social network portal
The first fully automated taxi booking app with real-time journey cost calculation
A product catalgoue and cost calculation tools for the packaging industry
An Intranet based application to manage staff holidays
A complete business management solution for a chauffeur company